
Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor / user of the Services of the Company is subject to the terms of this section as well as to the relevant provisions of the Greek (Law 2472/1997 for the protection of the individual from the protection of personal data such as has been supplemented with the decisions of the Chairman of the Committee for Personal Data Protection, PD 207/1998 and 79/2000 and article 8 of Law 2819/2000) and European law (directives 95/46 / EC and 97 / 66 / EC). These terms are formulated in the light of both the rapid development of technology and in particular the Internet and the existing – albeit underdeveloped – set of legal regulations on these issues. In this context, any relevant arrangements will be the subject of this section. In any case, the Company reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data after informing the visitors / users and within the existing or possible legal framework. If a visitor / user does not agree with the terms of protection of personal data provided in this section must not use the services of the website.

The personal information you enter in your registration as a member is used exclusively by the company to execute your orders. In no case do they have access to those persons who do not have a cooperative relationship with our company.

Withdrawal of consent

In cases where the processing of your personal data is based on your prior express consent, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time, without prejudice to the legality of the processing based on it until it is revoked.

Privacy time

The Company retains your personal data for as long as provided per case, by the applicable legal and regulatory framework and in each case for a period of twenty (20) years from the last calendar day of the year of termination of your respective transaction. relationship. In case any request for your cooperation / transaction is not accepted and the transaction or contract is not completed, the data will be kept for a period of five (5) years. In case of a court dispute, the personal data concerning you will be kept in any case until the end of the pending trial, even in case of exceeding the above period of twenty (20) years.

User / Subject Rights

As users / subjects of processing your personal data you reserve the following rights:

  • Right of access to the personal data concerning you and if they are processed by the Company, as the person responsible for processing, its purposes, the categories of data and the recipients or categories of recipients thereof.
  • Right to correct inaccurate data as well as to fill in missing data (Article 16 GCC).
  • Right to delete your personal data subject to the obligations and legal rights of the Company for their maintenance in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Right to restrict the processing of your personal data if the accuracy of the data is disputed, the processing is illegal, or the purpose of the processing is missing, provided there is no legal reason for the retention.
  • Right to port your personal data to another controller, provided that the processing is based on your consent and is done by automated means.
  • Right of objection for reasons relating to your particular situation in the event that your personal data is processed for the performance of a duty performed in the public interest or in the exercise of public authority delegated to the Company or for the purposes of a legitimate interest sought by this or a third party.
  • Right to withdraw consent at any time for a specific treatment if consent had been given for a specific purpose.

The personal information collected by the Company is as follows:

Personal Data A prerequisite for the commencement of the conciliation between us is the disclosure by you of some of your personal information. In order to be able to complete an order we will ask you for your full name, the address to which the products will be sent your phone number and email address. The company, following the principles of personal data protection, will not make any unfair and unauthorized use without your prior consent. In particular, the company in no way discloses, publishes, sells or exchanges the personal data and information that you trust us. Some of your personal information may be disclosed only to associates of the Company (eg transport companies) without the need for your prior special information, who are not entitled to use it for other purposes.

E-commerce orders

For the use of the e-commerce services of the Company the following information is required from the visitor / user: Name / Company Name – Address of the natural person / Headquarters of the Company – Postal Code – Telephone – E-mail – fax – Tax Identification Number – City – Country.

The above data are also required for the issuance of the relevant documents (tax) and are kept in the financial file of the Network. The Company may use the data referring to the type of goods and services acquired through e-commerce in order to record the buying interests of the trader and to make new offers, unless the visitor / user of these services requests that such be made. Offers. Information regarding the purchasing interests of the visitor / user can never be disclosed to third parties.

Use e-mail

In order to provide the visitor / user with an email address for access to specific services of the Company, the following information is required: Name / Company Name – Address / Headquarters – Postal Code – Telephone – City – Country. This information is never disclosed to third parties, while the owner of the email address must maintain the confidentiality of the password in it and not disclose it to third parties. The Company does not control the content of e-mails sent by visitors / users through the e-mail address provided by the Company. The Company maintains a file with the above e-mail addresses and may send informational and financial messages to the owners of the e-mail addresses unless the latter so wish. The respective use of the e-mail address by the holder is accompanied by an information note that informs him about the protection of the data he sends or receives and the treatment of relevant problems.

Credit Card Details

The use of a Credit Card by the visitor / user for the payment of services / subscriptions of the Network is charged only once and only for the specific transaction. Credit card details are not archived and can not be used for any other purpose.


The Company may use cookies to identify the visitor / user of certain of its services and pages (eg newsletters). Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive of each visitor / user and do not receive knowledge of any document or file from his computer. They are used to facilitate the access of the visitor / user regarding the use of specific services of the Company, for statistical purposes in order to determine the areas in which the services of the Company are useful or popular or for marketing purposes. The visitor / user of the Company’s website can configure his server in such a way as to either warn him about the use of cookies in specific services or not to allow the acceptance of the use of cookies in any case. In case the visitor / user of the specific services and pages of the Company does not wish the use of cookies for his / her identification, he / she cannot have further access to these services.

External links

The Company includes links to other websites, which are not controlled by itself, but by third parties (natural or legal persons). In no case is the Company responsible for the Terms of Protection of Personal Data which they follow.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses the Personal Data collected in order to detect and evaluate the use of this Application, compile reports and share them with other Google services. The data collected by the Google Analytics system relates to time-related information on the Website, the relevant geographical origin, the entry and exit pages, the origin of the visitor traffic, etc. and are used to evaluate the use, to compile reports on the activity noted on our website and to provide us with further services related to the use of the website and the internet. The data collected in this way will be used in groups, ie they are never related to the person but only to the browser, so no one will be able to link your name to the pages or websites you visit. On our website Google Analytics has the code “gat._anonymizeIp ();” which guarantees anonymous detection of IP addresses (the so-called IP Masking). Your IP address (the number assigned to your computer by your ISP) is abbreviated and anonymized – on our own initiative – by Google within the Member States of the European Union or other States Parties to the European Economic Area. For this reason, the user profiles used by Google Analytics are “anonymized” and thus it is impossible to reduce to the real user. Only in special cases is the entire IP address transmitted to a Google server, where it is abbreviated. Your own anonymized IP address transmitted by your browser under Google Analytics is not integrated with any other data held by Google. The transmission of such data to third parties through Google may occur only in accordance with the provisions of the law or in the context of the processing of data on behalf of third parties. Under no circumstances will Google group your personal data with other data collected by Google. By using our website you express your consent regarding the processing of the data collected by Google Analytics as well as the ways of processing the data as well as the purpose as mentioned above.

Personal Data Collection: Cookies and Usage Data. Please consult the third party website for further information regarding the use of cookies. Edited by: US Privacy Policy: http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/ – Opt Out: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en

Google Fonts

Google Fonts is a font display service managed by Google Inc. and allows this Application to integrate such content into its pages.

Personal Data Collection: Cookies and Usage Data. Please consult the third party website for further information regarding the use of cookies. Edited by: US Privacy Policy: http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/


Youtube is a video content display service managed by YouTube, LLC that allows this Application to integrate such content into its pages. Collection of personal data: Cookies and User Data. Please consult the third party website for further information regarding the use of cookies. Edited by: USA – Privacy Policy: http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/

Google Maps

It is a service that displays interactive Google maps on the website. Collection of personal data: Cookies and User Data. Please consult the third party website for further information regarding the use of cookies. Edited by: USA – Privacy Policy: http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/

Contact Form

I read the privacy policy. I consent to the collection and storage of my personal information in order to respond to my request.


The vas-e.gr website uses cookies in order to optimize its services and its faster and more efficient operation through statistical evaluations, comparative observations and analysis of its traffic. Upon entering our website, you have the option to either accept all cookies, or to select specific cookies from the following categories, or to continue browsing by discarding all unnecessary cookies.


Customer right of withdrawal

You have the right to return the entire order placed through the online store or part thereof, within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date you or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by you, a acquired the physical possession of the goods.

Return Policy (Goods)

External – Aesthetic Defects

Upon receipt, the customer is obliged to unpack and inspect the products to confirm the absence of external or aesthetic defects and, if any, is entitled to refuse receipt of the product and return it to the distributor, otherwise announces the existence of aesthetic defects within ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of the product, while, in case of expiration of this period, loses all relevant rights and accepts that the aesthetic defect was caused after the delivery of the product. The Company is obliged in a short time to replace this product with another, without the defect. However, in case the product is not available for any reason, you will be refunded any amount of money you paid when purchasing it, according to the refund process. In case of unconditional receipt of the item, it is considered that it was delivered in excellent external condition without external / aesthetic defects.

Returns of products charged by the COMPANY

Product returns are charged to the Company:

  1. In all cases in which other than the items sold are delivered, by type or quantity.
  2. In case the item is packaged damaged during delivery, completely or for the most part.
  3. In the event that the item is found to have a manufacturing defect (if certified by an authorized repairer providing the warranty) or lack of quality, which quality has been previously agreed in writing with the Company.
  4. In case of damaged packaging, the customer has the right not to accept the receipt of the product from the beginning and to request its replacement, after consultation with the Company.

In the case of return at the expense of the company the products must be returned in the condition received by the customer and at the time agreed. Any delay on the part of the customer is justified only for reasons of force majeure, otherwise the right of replacement under this term is excluded.

In any case, the return of the product to be replaced should be done together with all the documents that accompanied the product (eg DAT, Retail Rep. etc.) and its complete packaging (unless this is a defect found later on in the delivery and the packaging does not exist or in the case of a product whose packaging was received by distributors upon delivery of the item). The return of products charged by the Company will be made either by personal and means of transport of the Company or by courier excluded any other way.

After the return of the product and depending on the case, repair will be made if possible without reducing the value of the product, otherwise replacement if a similar product is available, otherwise cancellation of the transaction if the customer legally rejects the two previous ones, then, provided that the products have been previously received and inspected by the COMPANY, in case of cancellation, the refund to the customer will be made in the same way as their payment, supervised by the Company. In particular, in case of debit by credit card, the Company will be obliged to inform the issuing Bank of the cancellation of the transaction and the bank will then proceed to any transaction provided under the contract it has drawn up with the customer without any responsibility of the Company. most. The Company, after this information, does not bear any responsibility for the time and manner of execution of the rebuttal, which is regulated by the aforementioned contract.

In case the products are returned damaged or incomplete, the Online Store has the right to request compensation from the customer, the amount of which will be determined by the condition of the products and to proceed unilaterally and without any other total or partial set-off. of this claim against the customer.

The return of your online order is excluded if the following conditions are not cumulatively met:

  • Before taking any action regarding the return of the product, you should contact the company either by phone or by sending a message to our email address info@vas-e.gr, in order to inform us about the Intention to return the product or products you received.
  • Products must be in excellent condition, unused, without the special markings (eg labels) removed and in their original packaging.
  • Along with the products you must include all the documents that accompanied them (eg retail receipt, invoice and delivery note or change card).


When the products are received, they will be checked for their condition and if the terms of the company return policy are met, a credit note of equal value will be issued immediately, in order to use it in your next purchase (in this case, you should indicate in your next online order, in the field “Remarks / Comments on the order” that there is a credit balance). In case you do not want the above credit note but a refund, the company is obliged to return to you within fourteen (14) calendar days the price received for the returned products and with the same means used to pay them. Specifically:

  • If the payment was made by credit or debit card through the online store, the company, once it has received the price from the bank, will be obliged to inform the bank about the cancellation of the transaction and the bank will make any projected energy. The company, after this information, bears no responsibility for the time and manner of execution of the rebuttal, which is regulated by the contract concluded between the issuing bank and the customer.
  • If the payment was made by cash on delivery or deposit in one of our bank accounts, the refund will be made exclusively to the bank account that you indicate to us, noting the IBAN and the name of the beneficiary.

Returns are NOT accepted:

  • In products that are not suitable for return for health or hygiene reasons and which have been unsealed after delivery, such as cosmetics, underwear, mattresses, etc.
  • In products manufactured to the specifications requested by the consumer or clearly personalized products, such as special orders for furniture, mattresses, fabrics, etc.
  • In products that have been damaged due to misuse, due to improper cleaning / washing method, etc.


If you request a return of a product before it is unsealed in accordance with the COMPANY’s return policy, when it is received by the COMPANY, it will be checked for its condition and if the terms of the company’s return policy are met, an equal credit note will be issued immediately. value, in order to use it in your next purchase (in this case, you should indicate in your next online order, in the field “Remarks / Comments on the order” that there is a credit balance). In case you do not want the above credit note but a refund, the company is obliged to return to you within fourteen (14) calendar days the price received for the returned products and with the same means used to pay them. Specifically:

  • If the payment was made by credit or debit card through the online store, the company, once it has received the price from the bank, will be obliged to inform the bank about the cancellation of the transaction and the bank will make any projected energy. The company, after this information, bears no responsibility for the time and manner of execution of the rebuttal, which is regulated by the contract concluded between the issuing bank and the customer.
  • If the payment was made by cash on delivery or deposit in one of our bank accounts, the refund will be made exclusively to the bank account that you indicate to us, noting the IBAN and the name of the beneficiary.

Return Policy (B2B)

The company is obliged upon receipt, to unpack and inspect the products to confirm the absence of external, aesthetic defects, and in case they exist is entitled to refuse the receipt of the item and return it to the distributor, otherwise to announce the Existence of aesthetic defects within ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of the item, while in case of expiration of this period he loses all relevant rights and accepts that the aesthetic defect was caused after delivery. The Company is obliged in a short time to replace this item with another, without the external defect. However, in case the product is not available for any reason, you will be refunded the amount of money you paid when you bought it with the same means used to pay for them. Specifically:

  • If the payment was made by credit or debit card electronically the company, once it has received the price from the bank, will be obliged to inform the bank about the cancellation of the transaction and the bank will take any action provided. The company, after this information, bears no responsibility for the time and manner of execution of the rebuttal, which is regulated by the contract concluded between the issuing bank and the customer.
  • If the payment was made by cash on delivery or deposit in one of our bank accounts, the refund will be made exclusively to the bank account that you indicate to us, noting the IBAN and the name of the beneficiary.

In case of unconditional receipt of the item, it is considered that it was delivered in excellent external condition without aesthetic defects.

Except in the above case (defective product), no refund is accepted.

Return Policy (Provision of Services)

As the online service is intangible and provided online, there is no question of non-receipt or defective product. However, in case the consumer – after the purchase – of the service or the program, fails to use it, due to a technical problem due exclusively to our company, a refund is provided within ten (10) working days, starting from the next of the market. At the end of the aforementioned period, no refund is provided by the company.

If there is a question of withdrawal or cancellation by the customer, if it has been proven that he has not used this service, a refund is provided within two (2) working days, starting from the next purchase. At the end of the aforementioned period, no refund is provided by the company.






You can pay in the following ways:

Debit / Credit Card





American Express


Bank account

With cash at the physical store

By card in the physical store

Cash on Delivery

In case of cash on delivery the extra charge is 2 euros.

No card or transaction details are stored in our online store, except for the reference to the transaction that took place. If you choose to pay by debit or credit card, you agree that the order entails payment. The process of clearing your payment is carried out through the electronic payment platform of the respective credit institutions that become responsible for ensuring the absolute security of your transactions in our online store. For purchases made by debit or credit card, you should follow the instructions found on the Website. In the order form you will find, you must fill in the number, the expiration date of your debit or credit card, the name of the holder and the three-digit number (cvv).

Your debit or credit card will be debited, provided it is verified and certified. You are solely responsible for the correct registration and truth of your debit or credit card details and the card used for each transaction should belong to you. Debit or credit cards are subject to validation and approval checks by the card issuer. If the required payment approval is not obtained from our company, we are not responsible for any delay or non-delivery of a ordered product and we will not be able to complete the sales contract with you.

Payment security

The Company does not have access to your bank details, and does not store information about your bank or credit card. So please enter your payment details in every order you place with us.

The Company will not be liable for any damages or losses (direct or indirect) of a member whose card is being used illegally or used in an unauthorized manner.

The Company is not responsible for any damage that may be caused to your computer equipment by viruses, worms, spyware, or the like during your connection to our site. Please make sure you have anti-virus software, firewalls, and other computer protection software up to date.

Issuance of receipt / invoice

There is a choice of retail receipt or invoice. Invoice is issued to Companies and freelancers, if they fill in the following information when ordering: Company name, VAT number, Tax Office and profession for the self-employed.

Check the correctness of the details of your receipt or invoice before completing your order. If you wish to check the correctness of the details of the issue of your receipt or invoice, please follow the instructions on our website.


Shipping charges are as follows:

For delivery of products within the prefecture of Pieria, shipping costs are FREE. For delivery outside the prefecture of Pieria and a total weight of less than 2 kilos the shipping charge is 3.8 euros while for orders with a total weight of more than 2 kilos there is a charge plus 0.9 euros for each extra kilo over 2 kilos. p>


If the order has a total weight of 5 kg and is within the prefecture of Pieria, then shipping costs are FREE.

If the order has a total weight of exactly 2 kg or less than 2 kg and is outside the prefecture of Pieria, then the shipping costs will be 3.8 euros.

If the order has a total weight of 4 kg and is outside the prefecture of Pieria, then the shipping costs will be 5.6 euros.